Updated 7-MAR-1997

Making a graphic display

Information on how to allocate the necessary FILESHARING files can be found in the WWW help for D28 (Lex Draw) and D76 (Lex Prog).

One needs to create a LEX DRAW file to store any images to be used by LEX PROG (Use FILEMASTER)

One needs to create a LEX PROG file to store the actual data for the graphic (i.e. parameters, locations on the screen.....) (Use FILEMASTER)

One needs ACNET parameters to be available to be displayed on the graphic.

One may use a .GIF image for the graphical display or build one using LEX DRAW.

Here's what I did:

1. Build a graphic in MACDRAFT/MACDRAW/AUTOCAD (One may simply scan in an image, but that makes updating harder.)

2. Convert the graphic to a .GIF image (this may be a multi-step process)

3. Export the .GIF file to any area that can be accessed via XV Display Image (See Program_Tools or Session Manager window to start XV)

4. Use the ACNET Utility window function "Save XV for Lex Draw"

(A menu will appear. Select the desired target directory or not and then click outside the menu window. The .GIF image will move to the upper left of the screen during the conversion process. There will now be an .LXI image in this area.)

5. Go to D28 (Lex Draw) open the LEX DRAW file sharing file that you have created earlier. Choose the desired image number. (actually file record) Choose "ADD OBJECT" and select "IMAGE". Choose the desired .LXI file. Place it in the desired position on the screen. Choose "SAVE FILE".

6. Go to D76 (LEX PROG) and read in the LEX PROG file created earlier. Choose "ADD OBJECT". Choose "LEX DRAW IMAGE"

7. Add other desired objects, save file and then choose "START LEX PROG" to see if it works.

Mail comments to Wally Kissel